CV2 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CV2 2 is a postcode sector in Coventry, UK. Below is a complete list of CV2 2 Postcodes (Active). CV2 2 postcode sector comprises of 284 active postcodes. CV2 2 sector has a population of 12607, and it has 5261 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CV2 2 postcode sector

CV2 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12607
Addresses / Property Count 5261
Active Postcodes 284
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

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showing 0-50 of 284 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CV2 2AA 52.44020000 -1.45813200 3 7 436932 282608
CV2 2AB 52.44241600 -1.45315400 43 100 437268 282857
CV2 2AD 52.44686200 -1.44452200 15 48 437851 283356
CV2 2AE 52.44634400 -1.44533700 11 28 437796 283298
CV2 2AF 52.44052000 -1.44760900 32 68 437647 282649
CV2 2AG 52.44018200 -1.44847500 41 113 437588 282611
CV2 2AH 52.43701300 -1.44925000 19 52 437538 282258
CV2 2AJ 52.43585900 -1.45248500 N/A N/A 437319 282128
CV2 2AL 52.43671800 -1.45168000 43 119 437373 282224
CV2 2AN 52.43563200 -1.45409100 27 68 437210 282102
CV2 2AP 52.43424400 -1.44932800 28 72 437535 281950
CV2 2AQ 52.43114900 -1.44874900 13 18 437577 281606
CV2 2AS 52.43123500 -1.44991000 60 147 437498 281615
CV2 2AT 52.43050300 -1.44918400 29 68 437548 281534
CV2 2AU 52.42496500 -1.44338500 5 10 437947 280921
CV2 2AW 52.42403000 -1.44331500 11 23 437953 280817
CV2 2AX 52.42312900 -1.44280500 13 29 437988 280717
CV2 2AY 52.42374400 -1.44363600 16 24 437931 280785
CV2 2AZ 52.42305100 -1.44345300 42 63 437944 280708
CV2 2BA 52.42371800 -1.44203300 27 62 438040 280783
CV2 2BB 52.42346700 -1.44027200 12 21 438160 280756
CV2 2BD 52.42309300 -1.44098200 19 35 438112 280714
CV2 2BE 52.42379400 -1.43709100 19 47 438376 280794
CV2 2BF 52.42612500 -1.44335600 83 167 437948 281050
CV2 2BG 52.42335700 -1.43985300 1 3 438189 280744
CV2 2BH 52.42364600 -1.43432800 8 16 438564 280779
CV2 2BJ 52.42395900 -1.43414800 14 36 438576 280814
CV2 2BL 52.42469400 -1.43550600 22 55 438483 280895
CV2 2BN 52.42437700 -1.43498100 19 41 438519 280860
CV2 2BP 52.42450800 -1.43427300 26 64 438567 280875
CV2 2BQ 52.42516200 -1.43364700 10 30 438609 280948
CV2 2BS 52.42516600 -1.43444100 13 41 438555 280948
CV2 2BT 52.42396900 -1.43605900 8 23 438446 280814
CV2 2BU 52.42385400 -1.43647300 4 10 438418 280801
CV2 2BW 52.42469600 -1.43596200 20 55 438452 280895
CV2 2BX 52.42516500 -1.43626500 13 39 438431 280947
CV2 2BY 52.42425200 -1.43696800 17 43 438384 280845
CV2 2BZ 52.42455400 -1.43808100 22 49 438308 280878
CV2 2DA 52.42468400 -1.43891000 8 13 438252 280892
CV2 2DB 52.42517200 -1.43775000 14 39 438330 280947
CV2 2DD 52.42507000 -1.43708900 29 65 438375 280936
CV2 2DE 52.42543500 -1.43808500 21 58 438307 280976
CV2 2DF 52.42599900 -1.43768100 16 47 438334 281039
CV2 2DG 52.42684900 -1.43672900 18 49 438398 281134
CV2 2DH 52.42661700 -1.43723200 25 67 438364 281108
CV2 2DJ 52.42611300 -1.43703200 4 13 438378 281052
CV2 2DL 52.42563100 -1.43583900 12 35 438460 280999
CV2 2DN 52.42656500 -1.43567300 18 41 438470 281103
CV2 2DP 52.42616500 -1.43482500 13 32 438528 281059
CV2 2DQ 52.42537100 -1.43420300 15 42 438571 280971
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